Generating the correct logos for your Windows 10 UWP application package manifest

So have you struggled to generate all the required tile sizes for your Windows UWP application.

Well fear not this is No Longer a chore!!

Welcome to Visual Studio 2015 UWP Tile Generator which is available for FREE in the Visual Studio Gallery.

There are some key things about developing logos for apps! and this is one of my favorite blogs on this very subject.

Your app logo is the impression you give people of your app the first time they find it, and every time they launch it so check out How to make an app logo that doesn’t suck from In this post, the author walks you through creating an app logo from beginning to end for a fictional app.

So how does the UWP Tile Generator work.

Simply right click on a square png and select Generate UWP Tiles.

Within seconds you'll have all the recommended tile sizes and what's more the extension will also update your package manifest so you don't have to.

This extension is designed to save time as well as adhere to the Windows 10 tile guidelines found here: