We’ve got a new Yammer Network for our CS teachers, curriculum providers, educators and training staff!



We would love for you to  join us!

Step 1. Please fill out this form here: https://aka.ms/MCSTN so that we can create your account

The network exists for our CS teachers to engage directly with Microsoft engineers and to:

1. Collaborate on content directly with other teachers and with the engineers who make the product (or run the training program) at Microsoft! Get teaching tips and tricks from those who are experienced teaching your topic!

2. Troubleshoot with Microsoft employees to get unblocked so you can teach!

3. Provide feedback on Microsoft educational tools and training programs! Join private previews and get sneak peaks!

4. Share with the teacher community the latest news on the topic and get the latest news!

Microsoft Computer Science Education is all in!

You’ll be able to join groups and connect directly with Microsoft employees who run the…

CS Educational Tools/Technologies:

1. Visual Studio - https://www.visualstudio.com

2. Small Basic - https://smallbasic.com

3. Touch Develop - https://www.touchdevelop.com

4. Kodu - https://www.kodugamelab.com

5. Project Spark - https://projectspark.com

6. BBC micro:bit - https://www.microbit.co.uk/

7. Lego Mindstorms EV3 - https://www.ev3basic.com

8. Code Hunt - https://www.codehunt.com

9. Class Dashboard - https://cd.microsoft.com

10. Dafny - https://research.microsoft.com/en-us/projects/dafny

11. F* - https://fstar-lang.org

12. Lean - https://leanprover.net/

13. Office Mix - https://mix.office.com

14. Snip - https://mix.office.com/en-us/snip

Training Programs and Services:

1. Microsoft in Education - https://www.microsoft.com/education

2. Imagine - https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/imagine/imagine-home.aspx

3. Imagine Cup - https://www.imaginecup.com/

4. Women Engineers at Microsoft

5. DigiGirlz

6. Learn to Code - https://aka.ms/learn2code

7. IT Academy - https://itacademy.microsoft.com