Windows 10 - Universal Windows Platform Bridges


Welcome to Windows 10 and our Four Universal Windows Platform Bridge toolkits that enable you to quickly bring your existing code base to the Universal Windows Platform and add capabilities such as live tiles, active notifications, and Windows Store in-app purchases.

What are Universal Windows Platform Bridges?

This year, Microsoft will release four Universal Windows Platform Bridge (UWP Bridge) toolkits that make it easier for you to bring your existing code to Windows and the Windows Store. Over the next few months, Microsoft will start sharing these toolkits via Limited Developer Preview programs. These preview releases are scoped to a limited number of developers, enabling the engineering teams to get feedback on what we’re building and to ensure that the toolkits meet the needs of the developer community.

What are the toolkits?

Each toolkit provides you with tools and run-time technologies that are tailored for your codebase.

Android Runtime (Project Astoria)

Enables you to build apps using Android code to target Windows 10 phones without having to leave your Android IDE.

iOS (Project Islandwood)

Enables you to build a universal Windows app from within Visual Studio 2015 using your existing Objective-C® code.

Classic Windows apps (Project Centennial)

Allows you to package and publish your current .NET and Win32-based Windows applications to the Windows Store, providing a new way of distributing and monetizing your application on Windows PCs and allows you to take advantage of Universal Windows Platform capabilities and APIs.

Web apps (Project Westminster)

Windows 10 will make it easy for you to create a Windows app that packages your website for publishing to the Store. Once installed, your website can update and call Windows APIs from JavaScript, creating a more engaging user experience. Publishing your website into the store will be as easy as providing your URL and clicking ‘publish’.

Sign-Up for UWP Bridge Toolkit Dev Previews

Use this page to sign up for previews of the following UWP Bridge toolkits:

  • "Project Islandwood": Enables iOS® developers to build a universal Windows app using their existing Objective-C® code.
  • "Project Centennial": Enables developers to package and publish their existing .NET and Win32-based Windows applications to the Windows Store. Developers can also use Centennial to call common UWP APIs and services.
  • "Project Westminster": Enables developers to create a Windows app that packages a website for publishing to the Store. Once published, you can continue to evolve and change your website without updating your app in the store.

If you are interested in "Project Astoria", please visit the "Project Astoria" page.