Discover how Excel can help you with your research, including new Power BI features for data science and dynamic visualization


Date/Time: Wed Feb 26, 2014, 8:00 AM, USA Pacific

Duration: 1 Hour Online FREE Course

Microsoft Excel is one of the most widely used tools for researchers to manage, analyse and visualize their data. Learn about new data discovery and analysis features in Excel with the collaboration capabilities in the new Power BI for Office 365 online service, and how it can be used with Windows Azure. Find out more on the Excel Power BIWindows Azure for Research and Windows Azure for Education websites.

Areas covered in the session:

  • How to use Excel Power BI for science and research
  • Using Excel Power Query to browse, refine and analyse research data
  • How to use Excel as a gateway to Windows Azure
  • Designing research data analysis services using PowerView
  • Visualising 4D data in Excel using PowerMap


Kenji Takeda, Microsoft Research
Jeff Zhang, Microsoft

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