Create Apps and Games Anywhere on all devices


Do you remember this?


Well now you can do much more… on any device which supports Html5

 So what is


•Create apps on mobile devices for mobile devices

•Create and run apps instantly on any HTML5 enabled device (PC, Laptop, Phone, Tablet)

•Requires HTML5 Web browsers (IE10, Chrome, Safari on iOS)

•Windows Phone = full access NB. Full access to all sensors, graphics, media, contacts, appointments, web requests, etc…

•Web browser = limited access Geolocation, Maps, Accelerometer supported in most browsers However No access to local media, contacts, appointments and Limited access to web requests because of browser security (CORS)

•Create apps purely using touch or click (keyboard is optional)

•Syncs to the cloud (no need to save to internal or external devices)

•Create an app once & it’s almost instantly available on all your devices

•Game board template comes with built in physics (gravity & friction)

•Built in sprite support (you can set speed, rotation, check for collisions)

•Publish to Windows 8 or WP7/8 stores

•Publish to WebApp and Facebook App

From a teaching and learning pedagogy perspective I recommend the following progression

Kodu and enter the KoduCup


TouchDevelop  and enter the Imagine Cup

C# and (XNA) and enter the Imagine Cup

C++  and enter the Imagine Cup

Curricula resources available at

If you want to get Started with Touchdevelop you can follow the following Video Workshops

Student App Day - Turtle Workshop

Student App Day - Bubble Popper Workshop

Student App Day - Monster Slicer Workshop