Power of the Cloud for Research


Microsoft BizSpark, Techila Technologies have published a selection of new video explaining how cloud computing might be able to boost researchers success and innovation.  As changes and enhancements in cloud computing progress at such a rapid rate its important as researchers and academics you understand where businesses and the markets are going and adapt your research and teaching to take advantage of the opportunities. As we are all aware the UK education system is presented with a number of financial and resource constraints, so  its important for us all to identify and deploy the best possible tools.

The Power of the Azure Cloud with Techila and Microsoft Azure

This tutorial shows how to set up Techila Server on Windows Azure cloud platform. The Techila Deployment Tool for Windows Azure enables deployment of a Techila HPC environment for distributed computing in minutes.

Related documents available at www.techilatechnologies.com.

Examples of Azure Power



Increase the performance of your MATLAB applications with Techila middleware, in the following example see the impact of 200 CPU cores of Windows Azure cloud platform power. This video demonstrates distributing heavy stochastic structures with Cloudfor method.

As your all aware Modelling, simulation, optimisation and data-analysis applications often spend a great part of their running times in for loop structures.

Techila is the missing link between applications and the capacity of the clouds. If you use Monte Carlo methods, stochastic simulation based optimization, or data analysis, the opportunity of using Techila and Azure will be easily rewarded in time and resource savings.


Fast 3D animation rendering with Blender in the cloud ( www.blender.org ).  

In this demo we show how to use Techila middleware to connect a renderer to the capacity of Windows Azure compute instances. We will scale the performance of rendering and animating a render project with Techila and cloud capacity. This will allow you to use cloud as your on-demand renderfarm.
Techila middleware enables powering new and existing application with the infinite capacity of cloud.

Techila provides automatic distribution of workloads with an unparalleled experience and shielding from complexity.

Windows Azure

The Windows Azure Educator Grants are now broadly available. Educators from around the world can apply for the grant through the Azure in Educationpage on the Windows Azure web site and benefit from free access, with no Credit Card required, to the Windows Azure platform for a 150-day period for yourselves, your teaching assistants, and your students