Best of Innovations 2012: Next Generation Microsoft Surface


Samsung SUR40 for Microsoft Surface (SUR40) is now available for purchase through Samsung channel and reseller partners. The device, manufactured by Samsung, was selected as an International Consumer Electronics Show “Best of Innovations 2012” award winner. For updates, monitor Microsoft Surface.

The Surface 2 SUR40 is considerably less expensive than the first-generation device. Apart from the lower price, the main improvement is its much reduced size. The Surface 2 is now more like a coffee table with no bulky pedestal.

A really nice example of Surface + Microsoft technology application is a retail example was produced by Razorfish

Basically the surface 2 is an amazing device which simply can be used to do anything however you need to develop specific applications for the surface using the Surface 2 SDK see

As the previous post state the Surface 2 requires custom development. If you do not have these skills in house we would recommend using a Surface 2 application development partner such as:-

Suite 420 4th Floor,
Davis House Business Centre,
Robert Street,


Black Marble
Woodland Park
Bradford Road
Chain Bar,
West Yorkshire,
BD19 6BW

The Surface can also be purchased with a selection of custom apps for less than >£7k

The Microsoft Surface team have a number of You Tube videos see