22nd Machine Evaluation Workshop HPC, Windows Azure and Techila moving your workload to the cloud

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I had the pleasure of attending the 22nd Machine Evaluation Workshop in Liverpool.


Please find below a copy of the Microsoft presentation


MEW22 22nd Machine Evaluation Workshop Microsoft

Additionally please find some technical materials about how the Techila solution. Techila is a middleware plug-in, which enables your applications to securely harness the infinite capacity of the Cloud. The application does not need to be a special HPC application. It can be any regular application like Excel, MATLAB, R, Pearl, Python, Fortan, C/C++ .Net code. When using Techila, you just get access to the results faster.


Techila Intro MEW22


Typical use cases for Techila and Microsoft Azure


Techila Azure Use Cases

More technical documents and some videos including language-specific tutorials can be found on the Techila web site at: https://www.techilatechnology.com/technology/technology-docs/