jQuery Mobile Open Source Framework Support for Windows Phone


jQuery Mobile version 1.0 was announced this week. Microsoft is  pleased to use this exciting occasion to reinforce our commitment to supporting popular open source mobile frameworks.  As many of you aware aware Microsoft recently supported PhoneGap by adding support for Windows Phone 7.5 (Mango), and now we are moving up the stack to improve support of jQuery Mobile on Windows Phone 7.5.

jQuery Mobile framework is a Javascript HTML5-based user interface system for mobile device platforms, built on the jQuery and jQuery UI foundation. The Jquery RC3 blog published earlier this week outlines, Windows Phone performance has improved quite dramatically as shown by the two showcase apps:

  • 226% improvement in rendering the form gallery, bringing it down from 5 to 2.2 seconds
  • 20x improvement in rendering the complex 400 item listview, from 60 seconds to 3 seconds

The jQuery team has additional performance optimization tips for Windows Phone in the change log that saves additional performance time in certain scenarios.