Surface 2 now has Bing maps support

I am pleased to announce to all those interested in Surface 2.0 developments that the Bing team have released the Beta of a WPF version of their Bing maps control. You can now Download the map control and write some mapping enabled Surface applications.


The Bing Map APIs will be consistent with the Silverlight version of the control. If you already know how to use the Silverlight map control, you are set. It will support the following map styles: Road, Aerial and Hybrid.

The map uses WPF4’s manipulation events for scaling, translation and rotation – providing a consistent familiar experience for Microsoft Surface users. The WPF control supports full rotation and inertia with options to turn both off. Plus, infinite scroll maps, touch to lat/lon to pixel conversions and the ability to plug into the Bing Maps REST API for geocoding and routing or the Bing API for search.

For more detailed information on the Bing WPF map control see the Bing Team Blog or read the documentation contained within the download.

I look forward to hearing what mapping applications or research you undertake with this.