Are there any anti-spam conferences coming up?

I was reading an article by Neil Schwartzman, brought to my attention by John R. Levine on the Planet Antispam blog, entitled Trench Warfare in the Age of The Laser-guided Missile.  In the article, Schwartzman brings up the point that spammers and virus writers take advantage of the fact that while there are talented people within organizations fighting spam, the effort is disjointed and disorganized.  Spammers don't have to wait for code reviews for their spam, they can shift tactics every week, or every day if they wanted.

I have not had the chance to attend a conference on spam fighting (or anti-virus/anti-malware counter attacks); I think this is influenced by the fact that I live in central Canada and a lot of stuff like that doesn't come our way.  So, to my readership community, is anybody aware a comprehensive list of relevant anti-(spam|virus|malware) conferences that are going to occur in the next 12 months?  If people send me ideas, I'll put them up in the links part of my blog.  Who knows, perhaps someday we'll meet up in person.

Of course, I'll take a look around myself but any assistance would be appreciated.