.NET University

A fantastic idea by Doug!  .NET University is a way for anyone to get to a set of overview courseware for each of the 4 new technologies associated with .NET 3.0, which is currently RC1. Each lecture is 75 minutes, each lab is 30 minutes, so all content can be completed in a full day. It is not advanced content, but rather a technical overview of each new technology, with an introductory lab to help drive home the basic foundations of each technology.

 .NET U serves a couple of purposes for the community at large:

  • The content is free for you to download and learn .NET 3.0 on your own
  • The content is free for you to take and re-present to others, as long as you do not charge for it
  • The content is ideal for new speakers to present at Code Camps, as the slides have speaker notes at the bottom, to coach you on how to present the slide.
  • If you would like to teach all 4 sets of slides and labs to a developer audience, you can request to schedule a formal course, and you can receive certificates of completion, and alumni shirts for those that complete the courseware.
  • Doug running a more formalized .NET University days throughout the Southeast US. Check the Current Schedule page for more information.