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Microsoft Translator Blog

Neural Machine Translation reaches historic milestone: human parity for Chinese to English translations

Microsoft announced today that its researchers have developed an AI machine translation system that can translate with the same accuracy as a human from Chinese to English.  To validate the results, the researchers used an industry standard test set of news stories (newstest2017) to compare human and machine translation results.  To further ensure accuracy of the evaluation, the team also….

API customer text translations no longer logged by Microsoft Translator

Microsoft Translator Text API translations are no longer logged for training purposes to improve the quality of the Translator service. No data sent for translation through the Microsoft Translator Text API will be kept, and no record of the submitted text will be saved in persistent storage in any Microsoft data center. Previously, Microsoft Translator recorded a small sample (10%) of random, non-sequential, anonymized data coming through the API. This was used for training purposes to improve translation quality. Paid subscribers, subscribing to a minimum of 250….

Introducing 6 new text to speech languages

Microsoft Translator adds 6 new languages to the list of text to speech languages, bringing the total number of supported languages to 36. Text to speech audio output allows you to play translated text in its native accent. As mentioned in the Cognitive Services blog, the languages were added to the Bing Speech API in early February, and are now available in the….

Make your website global with Microsoft Translator

Do you have a website that you want to make accessible to a global audience? Microsoft Translator has several options to make your website available to users worldwide in 60+ supported languages. By integrating Microsoft Translator, you can cost-effectively reach new audiences with your online content. Fully localizing websites, especially beyond the home page, can be cost prohibitive outside of the top….