Enterprise Library: The Videos

For quite some time, Don has been been putting together short video tutorials on the Web Service Software Factory (including a brand new one giving a preview of the upcoming v3 release). Up until now I've never tried this, but Don has been getting pretty good feedback on his videos, and I've seen more than a few requests for something similar for Enterprise Library.

So I thought I would boldly go down the video tutorial path too, or at least dip my toes in the water. I've added a new Videos page to the Enterprise Library Community site, containing two initial videos demonstrating how to create new providers (for the Validation Application Block in this example) and one on creating new application blocks using the Application Block Software Factory:

Since I've never done these before, I'm sure there is room for improvement - so please let me know if you have any suggestions, whether you want any more videos like this, and which topics you'd like to see covered in the future. Or alternatively, if you think you may be able to do better, we'd be more than happy to add links to your own video tutorials.

Update (April 12th) - added link to 3rd tutorial on the ABSF