A Little Trick to Ensure that Dispose is Called

Typically trying to avoid finalizers, there is one place* where they come in handy. That place is making sure that all consumers of your objects call Dispose either explicitly or using the using construct. The trick is so simple -- there is no rocket science or otherwise involved.

Basically, the idea is that you in your class you have a Finalizer and the Dispose method. In your Dispose method, you do what you would normally do and you call GC.SuppressFinalize(this). All of this happens within a #if DEBUG ... #endif.

#region IDisposable Members

  public void Dispose()









 Obviously, you can have more statements and instructions in your Dispose. Your finalizer will look something like this:




  Debug.Assert(false, "Disposable object not disposed");



Of course, the magic that makes this work is that if Dispose is ever invoked, the finalizer is never invoked. Conversely, if the finalizer is invoked, then Dispose was not. This is a great way to ensure that your disposable objects are actively disposed of and if they are not, then you are made aware of that fact with a loud fanfare.

I am imagining that you could probably do some more fancy tracking by recording the stack frame of the allocation and display that when your finalizer asserts false. I will leave this as an exercise for the reader**.

* There may be others, but with SafeHandle I can't think of many places where you would need to keep explicit track of unmanaged resources.

** Through all my years in university, I always hated when professors would leave interesting points as exercises left to the reader. If you are trying to drive a point, make sure that it is not left to chance if you get it across or not. However, I have waited many years to use that same sentence, so here it is.