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How to apply themes in Word 2007 - 3 simple steps

Word 2007 definitely makes it easy to change colors and fonts in a document at the same time, if the document is set up correctly. For avid Word users, "set up" means that everything in the document is associated with a style, and styles are associated with (ok, just plain "use") color palettes and font pairings instead of "standard" colors or font selections. 

But if you don't create documents from scratch very often, don't worry about how to make them theme-ready just now. What's important to know is that most of our Word 2007 templates are already theme-ready so you can easily changes the fonts and colors in your final document. It only takes 3 quick steps:

  1. Download a template to your computer. When it opens in Word 2007, click Page Layout (next to Insert on the Ribbon).
  2. Click the Themes button on the very left side of the Ribbon. A list of themes appears.
  3. Hover over a theme to see how it changes your document. To apply a theme that you like it, click it!

You can change colors and fonts separately by using the other options provided on the Page Layout tab but themes allow you to use pre-selected color palettes and font families to change both features of your document at one time.

I tend to use themes more often than individual color or font changes in my documents. You can also have some fun with these features to create variations, depending on your content.Here are a few templates that work with themes, if you want to try them out: