Welcome to SurfaceTwitter, a multi-touch Twitter client for the Microsoft Surface!

[Update: Version 1.1 released]

Welcome to SurfaceTwitter, a multi-touch Twitter client for the Microsoft Surface!

I wrote SurfaceTwitter to demonstrate the capabilities of the WPF based project type from the Microsoft Surface SDK 1.0 Service Pack 1. It is tested to run on Microsoft Surface Service Pack 1.


The capabilities of SurfaceTwitter are:

  • Show the 25 most recent Tweets in a “ScatterView” control, making each Tweet a movable and resizable object on the Surface.
  • Automatically detect the presence of a TwitPic picture linked in a Tweet and display the picture’s thumbnail attached to the tweet it belongs to.
  • Mark Mentions (of the person currently logged in) by coloring the Tweet window blue.
  • Send Tweets using the Surface on-screen keyboard.


  • Auto-Refresh automatically every minute, marking new Tweets with a star icon. Updating is asynchronous and not blocking the user interface.


Getting SurfaceTwitter

You can download the entire Visual Studio 2008 project (the Microsoft Surface SDK 1.0 Service Pack 1 is a required to compile the project).

You can also just download the binary installer.


Update SurfaceTwitter 1.1

I updated SurfaceTwitter to version 1.1. It now installs properly on Microsoft Surface 1.0 and on Microsoft Surface 1.0 Service Pack 1. I also enhanced posting Tweets by making it asynchronous and adding proper error handling. Finally I added version info to the about box.



SurfaceTwitter 1.1: Source Code , Binary.

SurfaceTwitter 1.0: Source Code , Binary.


Note that if you change the default installation path of “SurfaceTwitter”, you will need to update this path manually in “C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Surface\Programs\SurfaceTwitter.xml”.

Have fun Tweeting and follow me on Twitter at @TechPreacher!