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SQL Server Compact Edition 3.1 Released

Well, after several name changes, power outages, the holidays, and crippling winter storms, we've released SQL Server Compact Edition 3.1.

While not required to use SQLce 3.1, you can get the benefit of the new ClickOnce deployment features with Visual Studio Service Pack 1

This will add the ClickOnce bootstrapper, and |DataDirectory| macro to the connection strings.  It also includes several bug fixes in the data tools for SQLce.

For more info, there's plenty of info here on my blog, including screen casts and samples.  Pay no attention to the multiple names.  The features have remained the same, and like fine wine, the product continues to improve.  

For additional info:

Please help me congratulate the SQL Server Compact Edition product team as they've been extremely busy shipping SQLce 3.1, finishing up SQLce 3.5 for Orcas, completing Vista compat, shipping device and Yukon service packs, and still finding time to work on new investments.  They've been a great team to work with and I'm sure they'd love to hear from you.    

What's next?

Well, as noted, we're finishing up the fist beta for the next release, SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 and the new Sync Service for ADO.NET.  We've sent out some bits to a few customers and are working on getting the public forums setup for a public CTP.  Between the holidays, the local power outages, the crippling snow storms, and getting everything ready for the first beta of Orcas, everyone has been pretty busy.  If you've asked about the CTP, and didn't receive the bits, don't worry, it's coming.  We could only manage a few customers until the forum gets setup.  There's still plenty of opportunity to get us feedback, so just a bit more time.

Thanks for all the feedback and patience,
