Behind the magic of Microsoft 2019 video

Video: Productivity Future Vision Video Talk Track

I imagine many of you have seen the Microsoft 2019 video that Stephen Elop showed a while back at the Wharton Conference. I’m using this video a fair bit recently as I seem to have been asked to give a number of innovation talks so it’s the perfect intro.

Whenever I present I refer to Stephen’s comments when he originally delivered it that all of this technology is in our labs at the moment. It’s really not that far from reality.

Last time I was in Redmond I had the chance to catch up with Ian Sands who is one of the guys behind this video. He’s a great bloke who just “gets it”. One of those people I’ve met in Redmond who I could sit and talk with for hours….we had a great chat about where all this is going and how we get these demos outside of Redmond.

Anyway…I only just realised that the video above is available where Ian takes us through the 2019 video and explains some of the tech behind the magic. thanks Ian!