Cloud Computing in one graph



Wow…that one steep curve AWS is on and whilst you can’t draw definitive conclusions just from that data, it’s another useful asset to point to the change in computing – and book companies.

James Hamilton offers his usual insight and this part caught my attention regarding Animoto’s use of AWS


They went from roughly 50 servers to needing more than 3,500 in three days. Imagine having to predict growth and get servers racked, stacked and online in time to meet the growth. Nearly impossible.


Imagine phoning up Dell or HP and saying hey I need ~3500 servers in 3 days up and running in my office please. I’m sure they’d love to sell them to you but doubt they have that kind of stock readily available or indeed the logistics to ship and setup in that time. The New York Times covered this in more detail today and gets a hat tip simply for using the phrase “willy nilly”.