Digital Well Being - the store

I wandered in to the Digital Well Being store a few weeks ago looking for some groceries from Sainsbury's and it shows how long it's been since I was on the Kings Road. Not an Apple or an orange to be seen, instead a store full of cool gadgets, books and music. Top tip: if anyone is looking to buy me something for Christmas, this would be a fine place to start.

Whilst I love the store and hope they prosper, I always worry about the ability to compete with the web. I suspect many of the well heeled types visiting the store will not care that you can buy stuff cheaper on the web but more important is the variety of choice the web provides. However, this is precisely what the guys at DWB are looking to change and given my recent high street shopping experiences for technology I say good luck to them: the end, if your product is placed on a shelf or website within a poor customer experience, and the sales person cannot formulate the benefit beyond the features of your product in comparison to others, your product will fail in the market place.

We are setting out to bring inspiration, not just choice, into the retail experience of digital lifestyle products and services

Wouldn't it be nice for a geek to go in to a tech shop knowing they could have a half decent conversation that didn't centre around whether I want to purchase an over-priced warrant with my purchase.

Link to Digital Well Being