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I'm on the BBC...nearly

My friend Brad emailed me last week to say that my blog was on the BBC...almost. I actually thought he was joking but this evening I got around to watching the YouTube clip of the BBC's Thresher piece via Stormhoek. Okay, I didn't actually make it on but the Blue Monster cartoon as it's become known did which made me smile a lot.

check out the video about 18 seconds in :)

The cartoon is really gaining momentum internally here as I had two people (Anita & Brad Ipsan) randomly email me saying they thought it was great and they want to use it in their email signature. I also saw it on an external blog that I forgot to link to and now can't find...though I'm sure it will show up again.

I'm planning to write a Think Week paper on this to submit to BillG and depending on how my content creation goes over the next few days, I may post it here.


Technorati tags: bluemonster, stormhoek