Startup of the Day—Streumon Studio


Hello everyone!

The BizSpark Startup of the day is Streumon Studio, a video game development studio based in France and created in 2007. After a first aborted experience of entrepreneurship years ago, the team of tenacious gamers decided to launch a new initiative which starts like a success story.  We are delighted to help this team and this project with BizSpark.

They are a wonderful example of what BizSpark can bring to a young company:  they caught the eye of potential investors right after they joined the program. Long live Streumon Studio!



Who are you?

We are Streum On Studio, a video game development studio.

How do you feel being the most promising “Company of the Day” per Microsoft?

It’s a great honor for us and it can offer us some visibility to potential investors and also to benefit from Microsoft’s aura.

What did you do before creating your company?

Our formations are very heterogeneous, the founding cadre is composed of a psychology master degree graduated, an engineer, a history master degree graduated and a physics doctorate graduated.

How did you get the idea?What's the genesis?

In 1999, we started by creating some non-profit-making multimedia projects (video games, digital photo, free movies). After many meetings with some professional from the multimedia industry, we became aware of the commercial potentiality of our ideas and of the artistic contribution we could bring to this field. In 2006, we started the production of our actual project. And in 2007, we founded our company to embody our project and then to allow us to create several products of quality in this industry.

What do you sell? What is your company’s mission?

Our mission is to develop and commercialize quality certified video games.

What is your market?

Our market targets the pc platforms and potentially the Xbox360. We are aiming RPG/FPS players (Halo, Bioshock) on the following areas: North America, Europe, Eastern Europe and Russia.

Any clients, references, partners you want to quote?

We are in a partnership with Valve Software (USA) developers, distributors and creators of the STEAM platform, and with the Iliad group (France, Free,

Funding history?

Since the beginning, we are running with auto-funds.

Growth? Internalization?

We are aiming the international market and we intend in the future to open a second studio in the USA or in the Eastern Europe.

How many employees do you have? How many developers?

We have nine employees/developers.

Are you hiring? If yes, what? Where?

We plan to hire some developers as soon as our budget will allow us to do it. We are looking for graphic artists and level designers in France.

Which platform are you building on? Why?

We are working in C++, .net and PhP.

Do you have any Software IP? Is there something that you’re the only one to do on the market?

We own the E.Y.E’s license, and a part of our team is fully dedicated to AI research and development.

Who’s your role model?

John Carmack, Sun Tzu, Martin Scorsese.

Where do you see opportunities today in the Software/internet areas?

We see a good opportunity in the sale of our game on the online selling platform: STEAM, and also in the online free to play games with micro-transactions and/or integrated advertisings.

Looking for funding? If yes, how much?

Yes, we are very actively looking for funding: we need $750 000.

What about the BizSpark Program? What do you think?

Bizspark grants young companies an easier development and using highly capable tools.

Any advice to young software entrepreneurs?

You have to be tenacious, persevering and open-minded.

Anything else you’d like to say?

The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.

Published: 2/19/2009 12:31 PM

Company: Streumon Studio