Reporting Services 2005 installation option is grayed out


Consider a scenario when during the installation of SQL Reporting Services 2005 the option to choose Reporting Services is grayed out.

The following warning displayed in SCC check

32-bit ASP.Net is Registered. Required 64-bit ASP.Net to install Microsoft Reporting Services 2005

Case 1

If one is installing a 32 bit (WOW) version of Reporting services on 64bit version of IIS and the ASP.NET registration is 64 bit.

Case 2

If one is installing a 64 bit version of SQL Reporting Services on a 64 bit version of IIS which is running in 32 bit mode and the ASP.NET registration is 32 bit.

Case 3

When one is installing a 32 bit version of SQL Reporting Services 2005 on a 64 bit version of windows 2008 Server or when one is installing a 64 bit version of SQL Reporting Services 2005 on a 64 bit version of windows 2008 Server and IIS is running in 32 bit.


While performing the SCC check we query the IIS metadatabase to verify the bitness of ASP.Net Registration. If the ASP.NET registration does match our installation type i.e. 32 or 64 bit, we throw this warning.


Case 1 and 2

One needs to reconfigure IIS to run under 32 or 64 bit as per the installation of Reporting services (32 or 64). We also need to reregister ASP.NET 2.0 with 32 or 64 bit version respectively.

The steps involved to do this are well documented in the KB article

Case 3

One needs to reconfigure IIS & to run under the respective 32 bit or 64 bit mode as per the Reporting services setup requirement.

To reconfigure IIS 7 need to follow the steps below

1) Open IIS Manager (Start -> Administrative ->Tools Internet Information services (IIS) Manager)

2) Expand the server on the left pane

3) Click on Application Pools

4) On the right pane under Actions click on Set Application Pool Defaults

5) In Application Pool Defaults window under General click on Enable 32-Bit Applications

6) Set this option to True or False depending upon the scenario (If the option is TRUE then IIS is running in 32 bit mode)

7) Reset IIS from the command prompt

8) Rerun the SQL installation

Feroz R
SE, Microsoft Sql Server

Reviewed By

Rakesh Singh
Technical Lead, Microsoft Sql Server