Released: New SQL Server Dashboards Management Pack and System Center Management Pack for Analysis Services and Reporting Services (
We are happy to announce that new versions of Analysis Services and Reporting Services Management Packs have been released!
We are also releasing a new SQL Server Dashboards Management Pack that includes the dashboard components you are used to getting integrated with the SQL Server family of MPs. With this release, we are decoupling the dashboards from the rest of the MPs. By having the dashboard as a separate download, when we release a new and improved version of the dashboard, customers will be able to download and apply it to all of their existing MPs such as SQL, Replication, AS, and RS. This separation will also allow us to update the UI components more frequently and as needed.
We are also updating the localized versions for AS and RS to be compatible with this release (existing localized MPs will not work with this release due to some internal changes). Fully localized MPs will be released at a later date.
Downloads available:
- Management Pack for SQL Server Analysis Services enables the monitoring of Instances, Databases and Partitions.
Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services
Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services
Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services
- Management Pack for SQL Server Reporting Services (Native Mode) enables the monitoring of Instances and Deployments.
Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services (Native Mode)
Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (Native Mode)
Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services (Native Mode)
- Management Pack for SQL Server Dashboards
Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server Dashboards
Please see below for the new features and improvements. More detailed information can be found in guides that can be downloaded from the links above.
New AS MP Features and Fixes
- Updated references and removed deprecated elements to support visualization library
- Fixed bug when SSAS Monitoring Pack could not collect OS performance counters with localized names
- Updated discoveries to throw errors in case of some problems detected during the discovery
- Fixed module error collection on cluster instances to reduce the noise
- Changed defaults for CPU Usage monitor, added sampling to Memory Usage on the server monitor
- Reduced inner complexity of modules
- Fixed the discoveries; now the last items can be undiscovered
- Simplified the dashboard to make it quicker and more informative
- Reviewed and updated the Knowledge Bases
- Added timeout support for every non-native workflow
- Fixed Blocking Session Monitor – in some situations it could calculate blocking sessions incorrectly
- Win10 support: fixed OS version detection issue
- Fixed CPU usage alert description
- “Known Issues and Troubleshooting” section of the guide is updated
New RS MP Features and Fixes
- Fixed issue: Microsoft System Center Management Pack for SQL Server Reporting Services doesn't discover SSRS instance when the instance name starts from some certain symbols (0-9, A-F)
- Instance configuration monitor is introduced
- Implemented a better logging system
- Improved the Report Manager availability monitor: now it parses human readable message to get the real status of the Report Manager
- Improved the Report Manager and Web Service availability monitors: now the user can treat some status codes as healthy via the override.
- Fixed the discoveries, now the last items can be undiscovered
- Added timeout support for every non-native workflow
- Simplified the dashboard to make it quicker and more informative
- Reviewed and updated the Knowledge Base articles
- Improved Run As mappings
- Updated the discoveries to throw errors in case of some problems detected during the discovery
- Updated the references and removed deprecated elements to support visualization library
- Changed the performance rules write actions accounts to “Default Action account”
- “Known Issues and Release Notes” section of the guide is updated
- Fixed "Memory consumed by other processes (%)" rule having no Run As profile for DS; added SQL MP default Run As to the data source
- Fixed "Failing replacement: $Data/Context/Property[@Name='<MonitorName>']$" issue in OM log
New Dashboard Features and Fixes
- Fixed “The client has been disconnected from the server. Please call ManagementGroup.Reconnect() to reestablish the connection” exception.
- Replaced 999+ presentation with a new one (tile shows rolled up number with tooltip displaying the exact number)
- Added configurable rule to pre-aggregate data in the DW
- Added second row in the instance view to show Path of the object, and allow searching by Path. This makes it easier to distinguish between instances with the same name.
- Fixed tooltip presentation on the Instance view
- “Known issues and Troubleshooting” section of the guide is updated
We are looking forward to hearing your feedback.
- Anonymous
March 26, 2016
Haven't had a chance to install, since SCOM is always last on the list.