Announcing SQL Server Management Studio - September 2015 Release

Today, we are happy to announce the latest preview of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). This release includes all updates included in the August release, and features support for creating Azure database server firewall rules, updates to the 'new index' dialog, bug fixes for SSMS features in Windows 7, and many more.

Get it here:

Download SSMS September 2015 Preview:

* The version number for the latest preview is 13.0.600.65

New in this release:

1. New firewall rule dialog that streamlines the process of connecting to an Azure SQL database.

2. Updated "New index" dialog allowing the creation of non-clustered rowstore indexes even when a clustered columnstore index is present. This functionality is available for SQL 2016 and beyond.

3. Bug fix to allow viewing and editing SQL Agent job steps in SSMS preview releases running on Windows 7.

4. Additional bug fixes including fixes to display trigger nodes in SSMS, and fixes to prevent Live Query Statistics nodes from displaying as complete when incomplete.

5. Showplan comparison tool, allowing comparison between two saved sqlplan files. Refer to this post for further information.

Please visit the SSMS download page for additional details including Microsoft connect IDs for issues that were fixed.

Known Issues

The list of known issues is available in Release notes available here.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or feedback, please visit our forum or Microsoft Connect page. We are fully committed to improve the SSMS experience and look forward to hearing from you!