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Announcing: SQL Express with Advanced Services Beta

Are you using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition and want to contribute to helping us continue to improve it?


Now is your chance. We are about to start a beta program for the next update to SQL Express and are looking for beta testers who have experience working with MSDE or SQL Express and who are interested in testing out the next update for SQL Express. You can nominate yourself by filling out a questionnaire on Microsoft BetaPlace.


Accessing the questionnaire:


  1. Navigate to the BetaPlace web site. (
  2. Login in using your Passport account. (You will need to create one if you don’t have one already.)
  3. If you are not registered, you will be taken directly to the Guest ID screen. If you are registered, you will need to click the link to get to the Guest ID screen.
  4. Enter the case sensitive password: sql05express
  5. Click on the link for the “SQL Server 2005” beta program.
  6. Click on the link for the “SQL Server 2005 Express Advanced Service Beta” to get to the questionnaire.


Mike Wachal

SQL Express Program Management