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Now that SQL Server 2008 R2 has RTM'ed...

We have been pretty excited about the last few weeks where there has been a lot of buzz about SQL Server 2008 R2 RTM.  As noted in the SQL Server Data Platform Insider blog posting, this release has a lot of interesting features and is a major release.  We have spent a lot of time with many TAP customers and many of the case studies mentioned in the blog are SQLCAT customers including the following case studies:

Ø Bank of New Zealand ,

Ø Studio Moderna

Ø CareGroup Healthcare System

So what's next for the SQLCAT and SQL Server 2008 R2?

  • Regularly visit as we will continue to publish our technical notes and whitepapers on our deep technical learnings (note we had already published the PowerPivot Technical Diagram: PowerPivot Client/Server Architecture
  • Attend the joint TechEd North America / MS BI Conference in New Orleans June 7-10, 2010 - with our Ted Kummert as the key note speaker!  A number of us will be attending and presenting at this year's joint conference.
  • Plan to attend PASS 2010 North America in Seattle November 8-11,2010.  We will be continuing our SQLCAT track of sessions as well as "CSS and SQLCAT First Aid clinic" to answer all your questions.
  • You can also follow us on twitter via @sqlcat (though we typically do not answer questions via twitter due to the sheer volume of requests).


