Script Junkie

Earlier this year in February, I blogged about key software development trends.

The second trend, The Web as a Platform, continues to grow at an astounding rate. Browser-based applications such as MugTug show the increasing flexibility and power of web technologies. New and experienced developers alike are anxious to learn everything they can about how to take advantage of the web to deliver experiences to their audience.

But learning HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and other web standards technologies can be daunting. The languages, libraries, and interfaces can be complex, and successful development and debugging techniques can be difficult to find among the scrapyard of unsuccessful methods.

Enabling you to better navigate standards based web technologies is the goal behind Script Junkie, MSDN's newest developer hub.

MSDN's goal has always been to help the developer get their job done more efficiently, and Script Junkie brings that assistance to web-based coding. Script Junkie is the start of a new generation of centers on MSDN focused on offering the best of Microsoft and non-Microsoft resources to address real life and practical end-to-end developer scenarios.

Script Junkie offers a concise resource for the latest in web site development techniques by providing solutions-based articles, videos and code samples written by JavaScript community luminaries such as Christian Heilmann, Elijah Manor, Emily Lewis, Juriy Zaytsev, and Rey Bango. And of course, new articles are posted on a regular basis. Many articles contain code suitable for using in your own projects, such as Mani Sheriar's article on Scrolling Content with jQuery and HTML and Robert Nyman's article on Using Web Storage on the Client-Side.

Come check out Script Junkie, participate on the forum, and learn from the articles and tips. Are you an expert HTML developer or designer? If so, consider contributing articles, screencasts, or code samples for Script Junkie to share back with the community of HTML and JavaScript developers.
