A great way to begin the new year!

One of my favorite things that we released in 2007 was Popfly.

It is exciting for me to see people, especially those who are not typically software developers, creating web experiences. I have blogged about Popfly before, but I wanted to update you on some of the new features that have recently come out for this site.

First of all, we have widened the access so that this is now open for viewing by anyone, even without an account. For the more advanced users, Popfly Explorer (a plug-in to Visual Studio) lets you build web pages with any and all HTML and JavaScript and publish them to Popfly.

The team built an interesting Halo3 gamerstats application that can compare your gamertag with your Facebook friends’ tags automatically. And you can now send your Popfly creations to people as e-cards. So here’s a way for you to wear your “creative” hats and send your New Year’s greetings out to friends and family with Popfly.

It seems that I am not the only one excited by Popfly. PC World has named Popfly one of its 25 Most Innovative Product Awards winners for 2007! Congratulations to the Popfly team and looking forward to seeing more cool things in this space in 2008.

Wish you all a very Happy 2008!
