How to Download and Install Small Basic

Today, we have a special guest blogger, Philip Conrod! He is sharing with us an excerpt from their book for kids, Beginning Microsoft Small Basic by Philip Conrod and Lou Tylee. This section is available as part of Chapter 1 of "Beginning Microsoft Small Basic". You can find their books and other materials at the Computer Science For Kids web site. Thanks to Philip for sharing. Please enjoy!





Downloading and Installing Small Basic

To write and run programs using Small Basic, you need the Small Basic program. This is a free product that you can download from the Internet. This simply means we will copy a file onto our computer to allow installation of Small Basic.

Download Small Basic by clicking this button:


Here are general instructions for finding the download button: Start up your web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape or other). You can find Small Basic at the official web site:

Or on the official blog (this site):


This web sites have a lot of useful programming information. As you become more proficient in your programming skills, you will go to these sites often for answers to programming questions, interaction with other programmers, and lots of sample programs. Though it’s hosted at a ‘kid’ site, Small Basic is appropriate for all ages.

On the Small Basic web site or blog, you should see a button that allows to download Small Basic (it's in the upper right corner):

DownLoad Small Basic

Click the download button. This window will appear:

Security Warning

Click Run and the download of the installer begins:

download of the installer begins

When complete, you should see:


Again, click Run to see the Setup Wizard:


Click Next to start the installation process. Accept the licensing agreement. Then, for each screen afterwards, accept the default choice by clicking Next. When done you should see a screen announcing a successful installation.






Excerpt © Copyright 2012-2013 By Kidware Software LLC  All Rights Reserved.  Philip Conrod & Lou Tylee have co-authored dozens of books and tutorials for beginning Microsoft Basic, Small Basic, Visual Basic, and Visual C# developers of all ages for over 25 years.