How is Small Basic different from QBASIC and VB.Net?

The answer comes from the creator of Small Basic, Vijaye Raji...

How is Small Basic different from QBASIC?

  • Unlike QBASIC, Small Basic is based on .Net and can consume (not produce) "Objects".
  • It supports distinct Operations, Properties and Events.
  • It doesn't have GOSUB :)

From Anthony Yarrell ... A few difference between QBasic and Small Basic:

  • Small Basic creates Windows programs. QBasic cannot create Microsoft Windows programs.
  • QBasic can not run under Microsoft Windows.
  • You can share your Small Basic programs with other uses even if they do not have Small Basic installed. QBasic has to be installed in order to run QBasic programs.
  • Small Basic makes manipulating graphics intuitive, easy and fun. In QBasic you have to know about how to set the screen resolution, etc - it be difficult to learn at first.
  • Small Basic makes animation very easy. Animation in QBasic can sometimes be very difficult.



How is Small Basic different from VB.Net?

Small Basic is small - much smaller than VB and supports just a subset of what VB.Net supports. Besides, you can actually write a compiler using VB.Net.

From Gungan37:

Another great point of SB lies in the IDE, not the language. With SB, someone of any age and experience can fire up the IDE and know exactly where everything is and how to do anything because of the simple, clear layout while if the same beginner were to open Visual Studio to write VB code, it would be overwhelming



Got any other explanations as to how Small Basic is different from QBASIC and VB.NET? Is there anything else we should compare/contrast it to? Leave a comment with your answers!


   - Ninja Ed