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PHP 5.4 available in Windows Azure Web Sites

I’m happy to share that PHP 5.4 is now available in Windows Azure Web Sites! You have always been able to install a custom PHP runtime in Web Sites, but now you can have PHP 5.4 available with the click of a button. And, you can customize the runtime (add/enable extensions, modify configuration settings). Details are in the instructions and links below…

1. Create a website. Any of the following articles will walk you through how to do this.

2. Click on the name of your site in the Windows Azure Portal:


3. Browse to the CONFIGURE tab, and select PHP 5.4 (notice that PHP 5.3 is enabled by default):


4. Click SAVE at the bottom of the screen:


If you browse to a script that calls phpinfo(), you should see this:


Of course, you can always revert back to PHP 5.3. And, you can still customize the built-in PHP runtime, or you can provide your own customized PHP runtime: How to configure PHP in Windows Azure Web Sites.

As always, we’d love to hear your feedback.

