Fill out an Infopath form from a link on another page

I develop and manage an internal portal based on Sharepoint for our team. One of the form libraries uses data published via InfoPath Forms. My users requested that they be able to launch the Infopath form without really going to the form library, but rather from a link on another page that they frequented. I found Westin's blog useful to address the issue : Eventually, I used Ian Morrish's solution documented at

From Ian's demo, I used this script in a Content Editor WebPart, and it worked like a charm. Thanks Ian :):

<script src="/_layouts/1033/ows.js"></script>
function WPQ3createNewDocument()
var strTemplate = "https://servername/folder/Forms/template.xsn";
var strSaveLocation = "https://servername/folder";
var strProgID = "SharePoint.OpenXMLDocuments";
createNewDocumentWithProgID(escapeProperlyCore(strTemplate, true), makeAbsUrl(strSaveLocation), strProgID, true);

<a href="" onclick="WPQ3createNewDocument()">Create new order</a>