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How do you find code you need?

I happen to work on the Samples story for Whidbey. We have a ton of code all over that can help you get updated on how to write stuff. For e.g. in the product we have:

  • Tutorials and walkthroughs that show you how to accomplish tasks
  • Code snippets with the framework documentation
  • General samples for the languages such as Scribble and Process controller
  • Large end to end samples such as Duwamish
  • Samples off the web from code project, google, etc.
  • Quickstarts

If you are stuck and need good code what do you do to find what you need? Do you look in our docs? Do you look in the quickstarts? Let me know, I'm very curious. This feedback will go a ways in helping us provide a better samples story for Whidbey.

Alternatively, what would be your ideal samples story?