Updated Event Hubs NuGet Packages

There are new client packages available for Service Bus today with an added focus on Event Hubs

Service Bus .NET Client 2.4.3 https://www.nuget.org/packages/WindowsAzure.ServiceBus/2.4.3

  • EventHub: add API to allow inclusive offset specification at receiver creation.
  • Messaging: improve RetryExponential constructor usability with updated API documentation


Event Hubs EventProcessorHost https://www.nuget.org/packages/Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus.EventProcessorHost/0.3.1

  • Allow user to supply a starting offset for a partition
  • Create pool of messaging factories to increase throughput
  • Fixing default constructor to use default values for EventProcessorHost
  • Allow user to supply a custom offset for Checkpointing in Host.

EventProcessorHost is the easiest way to implement scaled event / telemetry readers for Event Hubs in .NET and is highly recommended. 


Here is a good sample on MSDN: https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/Service-Bus-Event-Hub-45f43fc3