First .NET User Group created back home on the Mississippi Gulf Coast

It feels weird not to append a # at the end of a blog title.  Oh Tip of the Day, what have you done to me?

Anyways… I’m really excited to see a .NET User Group get created back home.  Shout outs to Keith Elder and Aubrey Cote for getting this party started.

Speaking of back home, it’s this time of the year where I say, “never in my life did i think i would be cold in May.”  Today is turning into a nice day, but earlier in the week it was overcast and cold.  It was so overcast on Tuesday that i had to take a picture of it.

This picture was taken on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at noon on my way to lunch.  Now, what’s wrong with this first picture?


The answer is to look at this picture, taken on February 24, 2008.


The answer is that the sky darker in Seattle in May than it is in the Mountains in February?  Why?  I don’t understand Seattle weather…