Did you know… You can run external tools within Visual Studio? - #201

It’s the External Tools Tip of the Day series!!

Okay I have to admit, I’m not the local expert in External Tools, so I could really use help with examples.  I can talk about the functionality all day long, but nothing is better than real world examples.

Let’s start with the basics.  Go to Tools – External Tools to bring up the External Tools dialog.  You’ll notice a set of built-in tools ready to go for you.

Tools - External Tools

Note that I circled the list of external tools.  This list maps directly to the list presented in the Tools menu, as shown below.

External tools listed on Tools menu

The first time I made this connection I was taken aback.  I probably saw this list of tools for years, but never knew it came directly from the External Tools dialog.

Technorati Tags: VS2005Tip,VS2008Tip