EE Talk May 15: Lessons Learned Going Open Source with the Power Toys

Just wanted to share with you some of the internal-facing work I’ve been doing as of late.  Over the past 6 months, I’ve given a series of 3 divisional presentations on giving out Microsoft source code, including

  • “How to release code to the community”
  • “IP Basics” – I had everyone draw a picture of a dog to illustrate copyright. my little claim to fame =)
  • "Embracing Open Source on CodePlex"

Now, it’s time to share to a larger audience.  On May 15, coincidentally the 1-year anniversary of the power toys initial release,  I will give an Engineering Excellence Talk (read: Microsoft’s internal “come share best practices” talk circuit) called "Lessons Learned Going Open Source with the Power Toys" (internal link).  Have no fear, I will share these lessons learned here on my blog. 

Hope to see the microsofties who read my blog there.  This will be the first time i’ve given a talk with a broken leg.