Emacs and Brief Emulations Updates Available

Dylan, one of our editor devs, has posted some workarounds to Emacs and Brief Emulations bugs on GotDotNet.

The Brief Emulation Add-in addresses the following issues:

  • Bug FDBK38309:  BRIEF editor emulation for cut with no selection incorrect 
  • Bug FDBK40426:  Paste of code block incorrectly indents first line 
  • Bug FDBK40415:  Brief mode inline paste changes to line paste

The Emacs Emulation Macro addresses the following issues:

  • Bug FDBK41933: Emacs Keybinding difficulties
  • PageDown or PageUp resets selection start

Note that these projects are in beta, and a new release should be out soon. Please join the project to receive news and download announcements (via the Alerts Console, once you have joined the project).

Happy Visual Studio’ing!

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