Spoiler Warning!! My thoughts on the dark tower – part 2

If you've found this page directly through your favorite search engine, be prepared - this post contains MAJOR SPOILERS.  if you haven't finshed the dark tower series through book 7 - LEAVE NOW...

If you haven’t visited TheDarkTower.Net, go visit that site now!  That site was my support group when I finished reading that book last September.  Just recently, I visited the site again (after rereading the book), and a couple of posts were extremely good reads….

My Alternate Ending To The Dark Tower


99....100...my Take On The Ending *spoilers*

And now… what I think has to happen for Roland to end the loop

  • Roland must not let Jake fall.  The Tower / Gan gave him the horn and changed his memories so that Roland realizes it isn’t all about time.  Remember the lecture at the top of the tower?  “It is always about time, isn’t it?”  He’ll realize he has the time to save Jake and catch the Man in Black.  This is what the tower meant by “this time things may be different”.
  • His ka-tet must arrive with him at the tower
  • Roland blows the horn at the base of the tower, bringing back the Prim.   The world begins to move back instead of moving forward.
  • Roland does not enter the tower – the only reason he enters the tower is because he thinks he can meet Gan at the top (although he doesn’t realize Gan is the tower).
  • Roland kills Walter at the end of Wizard and Glass when he got the chance.  Roland never lost his fingers, because Jake was with him on the beach.  Mordred is never born, because Susannah never needed to stall for time to get Jake through the haunted house.

Food for thought

I haven’t read anything on the TheDarkTower forums about the fact that the books have finally been written.  Chew on this for a second… now that the books have been written in some world (in whatever world we are in, and for the first time I’m going to say), doesn’t this change things?  Maybe this means the next loop will be the final loop.  Or maybe next time when Roland gets to the Tet Corporation, instead of handing him Insomia, they’ll hand him The Dark Tower book 7?  There has to be some meaning to Stephen King finishing the books in this world.

Okay, now that's over, what other SciFi books are out there that i should read?