A look into our wonderful world of testing

ScottGu, the ASP.NET Product Unit Manager, has put together quite a detailed overview of the ASP.NET testing team’s world, which maps closely to my team’s world.


Check out the Maddog screen shots…

Picture 3 shows what we think of as a “test case”. If someone says, “hey, point me to your test case that covers scenarios x, y, z”, you would give them the test case number that is shown in the upper right hand-corner.

Something else to note about Picture 3 is the hierarchy to the left. Test cases are listed under “Areas”, as indicated by the folders. If you check out Designing a Test Specification, you’ll get a better idea of how test cases are related to test areas. (and vice versa if you’ve read that post, but haven’t seen this picture yet).

Picture 5, Picture 6, and Picture 7 are what we think of as the test case run, or just “Run.” As feature owners, we’re mostly interested in the Results tab, that is, finding out whether the test case passed or failed, and if it failed, marking why it failed