Whidbey VS Settings Category Created

I’ve finally made up my mind to blog here about other VS features, instead of just Accessibility.  Note that I’m not calling Accessibility a feature by any means.  Accessibility is just like Localization, Security, Logo, and so forth – it is a standard.  Feel free to contact me or comment here if you disagree =)

Visual Studio .Net codename Whidbey has a new feature called VS Settings. Using the Tools – Import / Export Settings dialog, users will be able to import and export their settings. Also, by using the Tools – Options – Import / Export Settings Page’s Always Save option, users will be able to not only keep an updated copy of their current settings on file, but also keep settings on multiple machines in sync by pointing to a network path.

I owned testing this aspect of the VS Settings feature from the first spec reviews to Alpha release.  The developer for this feature, Tim, has promised a blog posting on VS Settings.  We’ll just have to wait for it on Tim’s new msdn blog.   Tim’s an awesome developer, so if it takes him a while to blog on it, it is just because he’s writing code. =)