2 new dynamic themes for Windows 7 : Flora and Terra

We already have 3 great Windows 7 themes that update themselves on a regular basis:

  1. Bing Dynamic – “new photos from Bing every week…”
  2. Bing Aerial Imagery Dynamic – “breathtaking views of the United States delivered to your desktop …”
  3. Paramount Movies – “new wallpapers from the latest Paramount Pictures …”

(more info on RSS/dynamic themes)

and now we have 2 more

1. Flora Dynamic theme

Vivid blossoms, dew-drenched leaves, and the elegant symmetry of grains are included in these images contributed by the Windows community. Enjoy the life and color of the plant kingdom on your desktop with this free Flora theme for Windows 7. This theme updates automatically through an RSS feed.

Click to download Flora Dynamic theme

Download Flora Dynamic theme for Windows 7

2. Terra Dynamic Theme

Exquisite and sometimes haunting landscapes from around the globe are showcased in this free Windows 7 theme. Explore caves, waterfalls, desert, meadows, and beaches through the lens of our community of contributors. This theme updates automatically through an RSS feed.”

Click to download terra dynamic theme

Download Terra Dynamic Theme for Windows 7

One quick note when you download this theme you will see a message like

subscribe to RSS theme

make sure you select the Download Attachments option.


Technorati Tags: Windows 7,themes,flora,terra