Windows Vista: Did you know?

Windows Vista now supports 77,000 printers, cameras, speakers and other devices.
Over 2,700 software programs are now certified to work on Windows Vista, including 97 of the top 100 consumer applications.
62% of small business said Windows Vista saves them time, and 70% said that it makes them more productive, according to an independent survey.
More than 140 million copies of Windows Vista have already sold, making it the fastest selling operating system in Microsoft history.
71% of Windows Vista customers liked it better than their last operating system.
People who are familiar with Windows Vista are two to three times more likely to have a favorable impression.
Every 10 PCs that switch over to Windows Vista is the equivalent of taking an automobile off the road, in terms of greenhouse gasses.

taken from which is a page all about our plans to stop selling Windows XP from 30th June. There appears to be some confusion around what we will do after this date with regard support but this entry from the Microsoft Lifecycle Support Blog should clear that up.


Technorati Tags: Windows Vista, Windows XP