What's Popular

To analyse the web site I have various tools at my disposal that help me gain an insight into what is going on, giving me everything to your typical page view, browser info, referrers etc. to detail information content ratings and the comments you leave when you rate a piece of content on the Windows Help and How-To web site.

image of Was this helpful?

Please continue to let us know if the information we have on the web site is any good or not, and was useful to you.  Without it it makes the decisions about creating new content or improving existing content that much harder.

I plan to share what the popular pages are on a regular basis (maybe monthly) to help highlight and signpost to others what is currently a hot topic.  Below is the top ten list of the most viewed articles on the UK version of the Windows Help and How-To web site for February.

  1. Tabbed browsing: frequently asked questions
  2. Reorganize your home page tabs
  3. Using Quick Tabs in Internet Explorer
  4. Demo: Using the web
  5. Find which edition of Windows Vista you are using
  6. Convert your old photos to digital pictures
  7. Repair or update a driver
  8. Enable Java in Internet Explorer
  9. Demo: Desktop basics
  10. Exploring the Internet

So a clear trend around tabbed browsing in IE, and looking at historical data these also seem to be popular in terms of page views as well. I can also see more recent March data which I will share next week and we are seeing a high level of views for the Windows Vista SP1 content I talked about earlier.

Tomorrow I plan to share with you the top ten highest rated in terms of the onsite rating mentioned above.


Technorati Tags: tabbed browsing