Web Parts most useful for sharepoint portals

Web Parts

THX to: https://www.sharepointcustomization.com/resources/webparts.htm

These downloadable Web Parts for use with Microsoft SharePoint™ Products and Technologies, are free of charge and are not supported by Microsoft unless otherwise noted. 

.NET Web Parts in Microsoft ProductsWeb Parts provide an easy way to build powerful Web pages in a SharePoint site that can show you information ranging from a view of a list in the current site to the latest data from Web Services hosted around the world. Web Part Pages even allow for Web Part personalization, ensuring each user sees only the most relevant information. This list identifies those Web Parts that are bundled into shipping products. Please consult a licensed copy for support options. Breadcrumb Site Navigation Web PartThe breadcrumb site navigation Web Part is to be used for displaying the hierarchical location on a Windows SharePoint Services  2003 site collection. This breadcrumb trail will continue all the way down to the site that the user is currently on.

Drop Down Navigation Web PartThis Web Part provides administrators with the ability to add  navigation via the selection of a value in a "Drop Down" box. This type of functionality is commonly used to present to end users with a number of frequently performed intranet tasks, for example "I Want To..." or "I Need To".

Finder Web Part- Custom SearchThe Finder Web Part provides administrators with the ability to add a custom search box to any Web Part page. In addition to this, it provides the ability to filter searches based on a specific type of content.

Hello World Custom Menu Web PartThis sample demonstrates how Windows SharePoint Services-based Document Library drop-down menus can be augmented with custom menu items.

Hover Menu Web PartThis Web Part can be used for custom navigation on a SharePoint 2003 site. It consists of a menu bar and floating menus. When a user mouses over one of the items on the menu bar, the corresponding floating menu is displayed beneath the item.

Hoover's Portal Windows Hoover's Portal Windows provide simple, organized, and intuitive navigation within an enterprise information portal (EIP) environment. They allow easy access to the Hoover's Online database of the world's largest, most influential, and fastest-growing companies and industries. Now you can integrate all of the great content that Hoover's provides into your own Microsoft Office FrontPage® 2003-based Web site.InstallAssembliesInstallAssemblies is an assembly installation tool for Windows SharePoint Services. The tool is designed for use within development environments. By default, InstallAssemblies will start in interactive mode. Once InstallAssemblies.exe boots you will need to select which assemblies to install. This can be done by either: Clicking on the “Select assemblies” button, or Dragging and dropping assemblies onto the tree view control labeled “No assemblies have been selected”.

Microsoft Office Web Parts and Components This exe file is a collection of Component Object Model (COM) controls for publishing spreadsheets, charts, and databases to the Web.  If you have Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, Microsoft Office Access 2003, and Microsoft Office Excel 2003 installed, Office Web Components allow you to publish interactive data as part of a Web page. These added features are particularly useful for large enterprises who have deployed Microsoft Office throughout their organization and who want to take advantage of the enhanced functionality and efficiencies these Web Parts and components provide for their sites.

My Sub Webs Web PartEnumerates subwebs of all types below the page that you drop the part onto. Ideal for dropping onto a My Site to keep track of the various document workspaces, meeting workspaces, etc. that have been created. Allows creation of new sites when used on My Site. Rate This Page Web PartThe Rate This Page Web Part allows users to provide feedback on the value of pages inside sites based on Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services or Microsoft Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003. Users can rate pages that contain the Web Part by clicking a number. The ratings are stored in the Page Ratings list, so you can add the Page Ratings Web Part to the site to expose the top-rated pages. RSS FeedReader Web Part A Windows SharePoint Web Part for viewing RSS standard web feeds. Can view multiple versions of RSS and shows headlines and descriptions with clickable links to the articles. Proxy Server capable with date filtering setting as well. Remote Desktop Web PartThe Remote Desktop Web Part establishes a Remote Desktop connection on Web Part page. The part can be used for two different scenarios. The first is when a user knows which server they would like to connect to and can establish the connection themselves. The other scenario allows a web administrator to pre-configure the connection to auto connect to the remote machine.

Send Mail Menu Item Web PartThis sample demonstrates a menu item can be added that sends an email link to a relevant document. 

SharePoint SyndicationExtension for SharePoint (WSS and SPS) that exposes site information via standard XML syndication formats (RSS, OPML, etc) Spreadsheet Web Part Add-In for Microsoft Office Excel 2003 The Spreadsheet Web Part Add-In for Microsoft® Office Excel 2003 makes it easy to design your own Spreadsheet Web Parts, save them to a site based on Microsoft Windows® SharePoint™ Services, an customize them with FrontPage.STSADM for WindowsThis .NET application presents a rich client GUI for the powerful command line STSADM.exe. Click on the link to download the file and save it to your computer. XCopy deployment + add a reference to SharepointPSAdmin.chm SPS v2.0 Tree Management and View (*****)These Web Parts enable document library tree views, in areas, sites collection and a Web site, or simply display the site hierarchy. This download contains three Web Parts of hierarchical (tree) views of SharePoint Products and Technologies areas, sites and lists. User permissions are considered, and only authorized nodes appear in the tree views.