Top 10 Microsoft Developer Links for Friday, September 20th

  1. Joe McKendrick: DevOps really does speed things up, study shows
  2. Andrew B Hall: Just My Code for JavaScript Windows Store Apps in Visual Studio 2013
  3. LightSwitch Help Website: Making JavaScript Intellisense work in Visual Studio LightSwitch HTML Client
  4. Eric Lippert: Math from scratch, part two: zero and one
  5. Boby George: What features do you want in C++ AMP V3?
  6. Sara Allison: User Experience in a platform: the Visual Studio ALM example
  7. Hongye Sun: Announcing the availability of Team Foundation Server 2013 Power Tools
  8. Herb Sutter from GoingNative2013: Keynote - One C++
  9. Buck Hodges: What’s installed on the build machine in Team Foundation Service?
  10. Jani Giannoudis:  Presentation Patterns for XAML based Applications

As of the Top 10 for September 19, I've been posting these every weekday for 2 years (minus some holidays).

After a several thousand links - what do you think? Keep on going? If so, more of one thing, less of another?

Comment below and let me know what you think.

Happy Friday!