Orcas Feature Specs Online

As noted in Brian Harry's blog (More Transparency), we published a bunch of the Feature Specifications for Visual Studio and .NET Framework "Orcas" up on MSDN. These are the actual feature specifications, not glossy versions of them.

I'm happy to tell you that we have reassessed our plans and reinvigorated our commitment.  There is a new MSDN Page available now that will contain specs as we release them.  There are two sections of specs - one for features that have not yet been released in CTPs and one for features that have been.  At the moment there are relatively few specs posted (about 20) but I expect that number to grow - for instance, we're pulling together a list of additional TFS specs we can publish now.

Source: bharry's WebLog : More Transparency

There is a small hurdle to admission. One of the issues we debated prior to publishing these specs is the format in which to publish them. With the recent release of .NET Framework 3.0, we thought we'd try the new XPS format. For those running Windows Vista, you don't need to install anything extra to view these documents. For those running Windows XP or Windows Server 2003, installing Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 will add this capability. For more information, see View and Generate XPS. Before you condemn us for taking this decision, give it a try.


Technorati tags: vs, visual studio, orcas, xps