Update: September 2006 Dogfood Stats

Brian Harry has the current dogfooding stats for our use of Team Foundation Server within Developer Division (September TFS DevDiv Dogfood Statistics), including info on some changes coming in the Orcas release.

Dogfood activity continues to be brisk but growth has slowed some in the last month.  I think the ramp from the onboarding of so many Orcas feature crews is behind us and the growth will be slower until we bring on more PUs.

Overall performance and availability have been good but we continue to struggle with some issues.  I wanted to let you know about some changes that are coming in Orcas…

From: September TFS DevDiv Dogfood Statistics

Now that other teams at Microsoft outside of Developer Division are using Team Foundation Server, I think these stats represent only a portion of our internal dogfooding experience.


Technorati tags: tfs, team foundation server, vsts, team system, dogfooding